Learn Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is a pretty big world and there are hundreds of different terms. Now, you can better understand this whole world with guide content and find the answers you are looking for.

Learn the fundamentals of SEO, ASO, PPC and conversion tracking and how to optimize your online store, build authority and succeed within your industry.




What is Speed Index?

Speed Index is a performance metric that measures how quickly the contents of a web page are visibly populated. Unlike some metrics focusing solely on load times, ...

What is First Contentful Paint?

First Contentful Paint (FCP) is a critical web performance metric that measures the time it takes for a browser to render the first piece of content on ...

What is Time to First Byte?

Time to First Byte is a critical web performance metric that measures the time from the user or client making an HTTP request to the first byte ...

What is Bridge Page?

A bridge page is designed to drive traffic from one website to another. Its purpose is to funnel traffic from one page to another one. These pages are usually ...

What is Total Blocking Time?

Total Blocking Time is a critical metric used to quantify the responsiveness of a web page. It measures the time between First Contentful Paint (FCP) and Time ...

What is Domain Authority?

Domain Authority is a term coined by Moz, a leader in the SEO software world. It's a score on a 100-point scale that predicts how well a ...

What is Search Intent?

Search intent is  the term used to describe the reason why a user searches for a query into a search engine. It’s the purpose of a user’s ...

Average Position

What is The Average Position? Average position in Search Console refers to the average ranking for a particular set of keywords in Search Engine Result Page (SERPs). This is ...

Anchor Text

What is Anchor Text? Anchor text refers to the clickable text that is used to hyperlink to another webpage or resource. It is typically highlighted in a ...

302 Redirect

What is 302 Temporary Redirect? A 302 temporary redirect is a method used to inform both users and search engines that a web page has temporarily moved ...

301 Redirect

What is 301 Redirect? A 301 redirect is a method of informing both users and search engines that a web page has permanently moved to a new ...

What is Google Dance?

“Google Dance” is an old term refers to major and temporary changes / volatilities on Google SERPs. While Google crawling, indexing and ranking new websites, it tries ...

[fixedtoc] What is Breadcrumb Schema? Breadcrumb schema is a type of structured data that helps search engines understand the page’s position in the hierarchy of your website ...

What is Informational Search Intent?

Informational Intent Informational intent means that queries seeking for information about a topic, searching for exact answers for a question. So, users who have informational intent want ...

What is Transactional Search Intent?

Transactional intent explains a goal of users want to purchase or do something specific. So, although the term itself suggests the intention of “purchase”, it is not ...

What is Navigational Search Intent?

Navigational intent means that the user wants to find a specific page. In this search intent, users already know what they’re trying to find. Navigational keywords are ...