Search Engine Optimization

SEO Consultancy

SEO is a channel where success is achieved by combining many different disciplines. Here, as Totes, we create the most accurate strategy in many countries of the world and ensure that more visibility, traffic and sales are obtained from the organic channel for both B2C and B2B brands.

We have cooperated with more than 100 brands internationally and provided increase in visibility, traffic, # of transactions and revenue from organic search. We have achieved many successful case studies in this field by providing comprehensive analysis, strategy development and detailed plan.




Our SEO Services

Technical SEO is all about the optimization of a website and server to help search engines index the website efficiently. It’s a very crucial step in the whole SEO process. As websites generate more pages, it’s little bit more challenging to make sure search engines your website has a proper structure. So, the higher number of webpages on your site, the more technical SEO issues.

If there are problems with technical SEO then most of your SEO efforts won’t meet your expectations. When done correctly, technical SEO can help you to:

  • Make sure that search engines can access, crawl and index your webpages
  • Improve user experience
  • Improve website performance

Technical SEO

If you’re looking for a comprehensive technical SEO plan to optimize your website and boost rankings, just take a look at our technical SEO service in detail:

Technical SEO

Why On-page SEO Matters

Google and other search engines map the web to connect users to the most relevant, helpful information and on-page SEO helps you to figure out the user intent and optimize your website from URL structure to helpful content.

Keywords, Content and On-page SEO

Keywords are no longer at the center of on-page SEO. We mean, yes they still matter but they’re not the just that. Today, you should provide a meaningful context and helpful content to get higher rankings and attract more users.

Infinite Optimization

Search engines are evolving every day, and so are users. This is why it is so important to understand user intent and constantly improve your content accordingly. You should constantly measure the performance of your content and update it according to changing needs.

On-page SEO

Take a look at the on-page SEO service page now to analyze your website’s on-page SEO performance in more detail, evaluate competitor performance and see opportunities.

On-page SEO

Off page SEO refers to the actions taken outside of your own website to prove your website’s strength and improve rankings.

There are millions of websites and countless web pages, so how does Google decide which domain should rank higher? At this point, Google looks at off-page factors like backlinks and brand mentions to decide what your website’s popularity and reputation is.

Off page SEO helps to improve your website’s:

  • Expertise
  • Experience
  • Authoritativeness
  • Trustworthiness

Off-page SEO

We, as Totes, are ready to support you to increase your website’s authority score, increase its visibility and examine the backlink profile of your competitors.

Contact Us

Comprehensive Ecommerce Strategy

Let us accept the fact that SEO has been one of the highest ROI of ecommerce campaign, however many ecommerce owners or agencies fail at this since it’s not just about putting popular keywords and fixing some technical issues. Ecommerce primarily requires tailor-made strategy and effort for each category and product rather than plug-and-play solutions.

Organic (Traffic + Sales)

Increasing the traffic of your e-commerce site does not mean anything on its own. Your investment in SEO and the organic channel should also have a positive impact on sales and turnover.

Ecommerce SEO

Reaching ecommerce success is not easy but we’re ready to help you. Share your online store address and let’s talk about the opportunities:

Ecommerce SEO

According to local SEO data, 93% of US consumers find local businesses online. Optimize your company’s local SEO ranks and attract prospective customers with Google Business Profile optimization.

Local SEO is the process of optimization of SMB’s local visibility within a geographic area. Unlike general “SEO” service, local SEO targets geo-specific search queries.

Local SEO

We offer conversion-driven local SEO services to ensure your business gets high ranking in local search queries, therefore have more brick-and-mortar store visits, calls and sales.

Local SEO

There is an old but still true saying: “Content is king”. There is an old but still true saying. Of course, a long while has passed since this statement, search engines have gone through an wild change, the internet is now in a very different shape than it was before and users can now do much more on the internet, such as buying flight tickets, socializing, searching for recipes. Even if we cannot say that “king” term, we can definitely say that it is still one of the most important jobs.

In order to get higher rankings, more traffic and sales, you should have a full-perspective content marketing strategy.

Content Marketing

Let’s dive deep into keyword research, analyze user intent and figure out the best performing content strategy for your online business.

Content Marketing

SEO Strategy Building Rather Than Short-term Tactics

Collaborative work with software, content, marketing and business teams
In today's digital landscape, having a strong online presence is essential for businesses of all sizes. That's where we come in. Our team of experienced SEO experts will help you develop and implement a comprehensive SEO strategy that will drive organic traffic to your website, increase brand visibility, and boost your bottom line.

SEO tactics are like a sugar rush. They may give you a quick burst of energy, but they will ultimately leave you feeling drained. Long-run SEO strategies are like a healthy diet. They may not provide immediate results, but they will help you build a strong foundation for your website that will generate sustainable results over time.
We help you to find out the SEO strategy that suits your long-term goals and implement this strategy in coordination with your software, marketing, brand and content teams.

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More than SEO Projects

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Countries We've Been Working

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Revenue Generated from Organic Search

Steps of SEO Project

  • 1

    Research & Strategy

    When starting an SEO project, first of all, we prepare a comprehensive keyword research and strategy to clarify all steps.

  • 2

    Technical SEO

    Our initial task is to make your website technically perfect for both users and Google.

  • 3

    On-page SEO & Content Marketing

    After solving technical SEO problems, we start optimizing the website in terms of on-page SEO in line with keyword research and strategy and start content generation.

  • 4

    Off page SEO & Authority Building

    After completing all SEO developments within the website, we focus on backlink, digital PR, guest post and syndication activities step by step to increase the website authority score.

Explore SEO Service Plans

/ Per month
(One time Setup Fee $250)
SEO Audit (FREE with this package)
Keyword Tracking (Up to 50 Keywords)
SEO Audit & Analytics Setup
Technical SEO
On-Page SEO
Content Strategy
Get Started
/ Per month
(One time Setup Fee $250)
SEO Audit (FREE with this package)
Keyword Tracking (Up to 100 Keywords)
SEO Audit & Analytics Setup
Technical SEO
On-Page SEO
Content Strategy
Off-Page SEO
Backlink Strategy
Custom SEO Dashboard
Monthly Meeting
Get Started
/ Per month
(One time Setup Fee $250)
SEO Audit (FREE with this package)
Keyword Tracking (Up to 150 Keywords)
SEO Audit & Analytics Setup
Technical SEO
On-Page SEO
Content Strategy
Off-Page SEO
Backlink Strategy
Custom SEO Dashboard
UX & CRO Assets
Bi-weekly Meeting
Get Started

Our Clients

Frequently Asked Questions

About SEO

1. What is SEO?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing a website for search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. The goal of SEO is to improve the ranking of a website in search results, which can lead to increased website traffic and brand awareness.

2. How much does SEO cost?

The cost of SEO services can vary depending on the size and complexity of the website, the experience of the SEO company, and the desired results. However, most SEO companies charge between $500 and $5000 per month. But the fact you keep in mind that is that as SEO service fees get cheaper, service quality generally decreases.

3. How long does it take to see results from SEO?

It can take several months to see results from SEO. This is because SEO is a long-term strategy that requires ongoing effort and attention. Based on our experience, you can start getting better results after 3 to 6 months you started an SEO project.

4. Should I do SEO and PPC?

The answer of this question depends on your goals, industry, KPIs and budget. SEO and PPC are both effective channels. However, they are different in a number of ways. SEO is a long-term strategy that can take several months to see results. PPC is a short-term strategy that can generate immediate results.

We recommend to run SEO and SEM activities simultaneously instead of choosing one.

5. Why isn't my website ranking on Google?

There are a number of reasons why your website might not be ranking on Google. Some of the most common reasons include:

  • Your website is not optimized for SEO
  • Your website has low-quality content
  • Your website has few or no backlinks
  • Your website has technical SEO issues

But if you’re still struggling with indexability issues, contact us to analyze it.

6. What are the best SEO tools and resources?

There is a ton of SEO tools in the market but here you can find our great SEO stack: Sitebulb, Screaming Frog, Oncrawl, SEMrush, ahrefs, Google Analytics 4, Google Search Console, Similarweb, Keyword Planner.

7. Does social media affect my Google rankings?

Social media can indirectly affect your Google rankings. This is because social media can help you increase brand awareness. However, social media is not a direct ranking factor.

8. Should I do SEO myself or hire an SEO company?

If you have the time and expertise, you can do SEO yourself. However, if you are not familiar with SEO, or if you do not have the time to do it yourself, then you may want to consider hiring an SEO company.

Interested? Let's get in touch!

Totes is here for you. If you have questions, contact us!
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