
Real Estate & Tourism


– Wrong URL Structure
– Broken Internal Links
– Errors & Omissions on Meta Title and Description Meta Tags
- Indexability Issues


Non-homepage traffic grew by 1,254%,
Transactions grew 1,416.67%,
Revenue grew 3,314.91%

Basic info

Their main goal was to increase’s market share, to make them more visible, and to turn the pandemic process into a strategic advantage. We've detected several technical and on-page SEO issues that has been preventing the website from getting higher rankings. Then, we've executed the SEO strategy and got great results.

  • Technical SEO
  • On-page SEO
  • Off-page SEO

Main Issues Encountered

– Wrong URL Structure: As a result of our technical analysis and market research, it became apparent that URL structures did not contain targeted keywords and had hierarchy issues.

– Broken Internal Links: As a result of the technical analysis, it was determined that the majority of the internal links went to “404” pages or caused redirects within site. It was also observed that the crawl budget was negatively affected and it provided users with an incomplete experience.

– Errors & Omissions on Meta Title and Description Meta Tags: As a result of market analysis and keyword research, Digital Case Media saw that title/description meta tags did not contain the keywords that wanted to compete for.
Indexability Issues: “neighbourhood category pages” that are important for the market were not added to Google indexes. The fact that the neighbourhood pages were not indexed, due to parameter URLs, caused a loss in market share.
As a result of the meetings Digital Case Media held with, they agreed to quickly resolve the issues mentioned to increase’s visibility in the top three positions on Google SERP.

Pre-Migration Process

The defined time for all issues to be resolved, and the new URL structure to be implemented was just seven days.

The main reason for the limited time was to be able to keep up with the planned TV commercials and marketing actions of

Feeding on the market analysis conducted, Digital Case Media created a new URL structure and decided on the final version of title & description tags. Pinpoint keywords were also targeted by taking user intents into account.

The redirection map was also prepared, with a five-step checklist in place to be applied at the time of website migration. With this checklist, the aim was to prevent errors that could negatively affect crawl budget, and to avoid traffic loss.

Thanks to the efforts of the software team and the Digital Case performance marketing team, all updates were tested on the test domain and all necessary arrangements were completed. The countdown to go live had begun!

What Happened During the Website Migration?

While overhauling the essential elements, along with a radical change of the URL structure, it was critical that the marketing and software team were coordinated with the SEO team. After determining the appropriate day and time, all teams were positioned for instant communication.

With the information received from the software team, Digital Case Media carried out the comprehensive five-step checklist and made instant checks together with the’s marketing team.

The minor issues that arose were fixed instantly thanks to the rapid intervention of the software team, and the bulk website migration was completed flawlessly.

Shining Star:

Before the migration to the new URL structure, broken links and non-200 pages within constituted a significant percentage of their overall pages.

Following the migration, the number of “200 pages” has massively increased bringing it to 99%. The remaining 1% of the work will also soon be completed.

Technical problems in the site were resolved, and migration to a healthy URL structure was completed. The operation, which took place in a short time, quickly produced great results.’s growth momentum accelerated, and its market share and organic traffic increased significantly.

Tatildekirala – Traffic growth

After completing the new URL structure and first-stage SEO developments, organic, non-homepage traffic grew by 1,254% in July 2020 compared to the same month of the previous year.

Growing traffic also contributed to the number of transactions and revenue. Compared to July 2019, transactions grew 1,416.67% and revenue grew 3,314.91%.

Tatildekirala – SEO growth
The positive result of SEO efforts can be seen more clearly in the thirteen-month chart.
Tatildekirala – Rankings distribution

In addition to Google Analytics data, the position distributions of non-branded keywords were also analyzed. From May to the end of July, the number of keywords in the top three increased by 14 times in the period following the migration.

As a result of the SEO process:


URL structure was standardized, and target keywords were used correctly.
Internal broken links were fixed, and the crawl budget was optimized.
Meta title and description tags were optimized in accordance with the target keywords.
The “neighbourhood category pages” that are of absolute importance to market share were correctly indexed and subsequently ranked in higher positions on Google SERP.
And Lumar has become Digital Case Media’s mainstay both before and after the migration. Before the migration, it helped them to:

Observe the website’s URL structure,
Detect broken links for the site,
Determine the status of meta tags such as meta title and description
During the test phase when migrating to the new URL structure, Lumar starred:

While checking the URL redirection rules to be applied,
While checking the in-site links on the test domain.
The lowest-risk migration process was also assisted and completed using Lumar.

As your budget progresses and evolves, continue referring to your SMART objectives. Stay focused and remember your goals – they will always inform what your next step will be!

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