SEO Audit Services: Get a Complete Audit

Unlock the power of organic channel and turn SEO into revenue driver! Forget passing projects between SEO agencies, you should stop and deeply understand what you need with a full-scope SEO audit. Let's start with your business goals and deep dive into competition, then audit 360° SEO analysis, including technical SEO, on-page and off-page SEO.

Get Your SEO Audit

What Does an SEO Audit Include?

SEO audit starts with a deep-dive keyword research and competitor analysis to explore what the current state of your website and which opportunities should be focused you’re looking for. You may have SEO issues preventing your website from more traffic, you may not notice yet and this analysis requires more than a typical checklist, since SEO is not a plug-and-play solution which works exactly same for all brands. After addressing all issues and opportunities you miss, we share a thorough plan includes actionable insights. Our SEO audit includes more than 400 checkpoints and we also analyze historical data from your Google Analytics and Search Console accounts to discover the SEO performance in page and query level.

Technical SEO Audit

Does your website have crawling and indexing issues that prevent your website from ranking in SERP? Totes’ full-scope technical SEO audit will check more than 400 points and determine all issues. Here are some of the questions we’ll dig into:


  • Is your robots.txt created properly?
  • Does the robots.txt link to your XML sitemap?
  • Does the robots.txt block any page needs to be ranked?
  • Are there any page disallowed but still indexed by Google?
  • Is there any reported issue with crawling?
  • Is there a high volume of broken URLs Google requests?
  • Is there a high volume of redirects Google requests?


  • Is your website indexed?
  • Do all pages have correct canonical tags?
  • Are there redirect chains?
  • Are there any URL format issues?
  • Is there any confusion in usage of wwww and non-www versions?
  • Is there ay discrepancy between indexed pages and XML sitemap?
  • Are there any 4xx or 5xx errors?

Page Speed:

  • Does the website pass Core Web Vitals according to Google’s field data?
  • Are there LCP, FID, CLS and INP issues?
  • Does the website compress text files?
  • Are images optimized for speed?
  • Is your website using light image formats instead of JPG, PNG formats?
  • Did your website get rid of unused JS and CSS files or parts of code blocks?

Internal Linking:

  • Does the website structure make sense?
  • Are there internal links with no anchor text?
  • Do internal links have descriptive anchor texts?
  • Are there URLs with parameters?
  • Is there any orphan page?
  • What is click depth of important pages?
  • Is there pagination on your website?
  • Do paginated results have separate URLs?
  • Is structured data valid per website page template?
  • Is there any structured data opportunity currently not implemented?

On-page SEO Audit

Starting from the keywords your website has rankings, we dig into all on-page elements on your website and audit content issues. We take all details into consideration and divide into 2 main category of on-page SEO audit:

  • Keyword Research:Keywords are so important that we can never evaluate them based on a single variable. When examining the keywords on which your website ranks, we evaluate many variables such as whether it has the right search intent, search volume, Google SERP ranking, and competition level. Of course, in order to conduct this review correctly, it is necessary to remember that the dynamics of each sector are different and the backstory of each website is different.The search volume of a keyword may seem like a great opportunity for a B2B online business, but on the other hand, when another e-commerce keyword has 100 times the volume of another, it may still not be the right choice.
  • Content Evaluation:To analyze content performance, we need the information we learned in the keyword research step. The number of keywords obtained by the content and the ranking of these keywords can give us preliminary information about the content performance.However, when performing a content audit, we must also perform path analysis and measure how much this content contributes to the conversion.

Is an SEO Audit Worth the Cost?

Yes, absolutely! SEO audit is the first and fresh step to figure out potential of your website. You should consider is an profitable investment for your business helping you to create a roadmap to more revenue. You may have worked with many agencies in the past and been dissatisfied, and this bad experience may even have led you to establish an in-house SEO team. Even so, getting an SEO audit report from a 3rd party consultant, like us, at periodic intervals allows you to notice opportunities that you were not aware of or overlooked.

Looking for pricing?

Lite SEO Audit
Get Started
Keyword Research
Competition Analysis
Full-scope Technical SEO Audit
On-page SEO Analysis
Key Recommendations & Action Plan
8-10 Days Turnaround
Mid SEO Audit
$899 $699
Buy Now
Keyword Research
Competition Analysis
Full-scope Technical SEO Audit
On-page SEO Analysis
Key Recommendations & Action Plan
Core Web Vitals Review
Keyword Gap Analysis
Backlink Gap Analysis
Local SEO Review
8-10 Days Turnaround
Full-Scope SEO Audit
Buy Now
Keyword Research
Competition Analysis
Full-scope Technical SEO Audit
On-page SEO Analysis
Key Recommendations & Action Plan
Core Web Vitals Review
Keyword Gap Analysis
Backlink Gap Analysis
Local SEO Review
Content Audit
Content Strategy
12-24 Month Historical Data Analysis
UX + CRO Recommendations
15-20 Days Turnaround

SEO Audit You Are Looking For


SEO is not just about more keywords or more traffic; We work to ensure that you get the right traffic from exactly the right user profiles at the right time. Our SEO Audit service explains step by step how you can turn SEO into a profitable acquisition channel.

Actionable Insights

This audit is not only an standard automated audit, but also we share actionable insights and to-do list to optimize your website with a full-scope audit report.

Boost Your ROI

While we discover your website's technical SEO issues, we also share suggestions on UX developments and highlight CRO opportunities and adjustments that can be made.

End-to-End Guidance

If you need, we also provide SEO-as-a-service for you to make the technical, on-page and off-page SEO improvements we recommended. You just need to choose the scope of our involvement.