What is Keyword Cannibalization, How to Find and Fix It?

In essence, keyword cannibalization refers to the scenario where multiple pages of the same website compete against each other in search engine rankings due to similar or identical keywords. This internal competition can dilute your SEO efforts, reducing traffic and lowering conversion rates.

As the digital marketplace grows increasingly competitive, identifying and resolving Keyword Cannibalization has become crucial. It’s not just about attracting traffic; it’s about attracting the right traffic and ensuring that every page on your site has a clear, distinct purpose in your overall SEO strategy.

This comprehensive guide delves into the nitty-gritty of keyword cannibalization. We will explore what it is, how to detect it, how to fix it, and, most importantly, how to prevent it from happening in the first place. Whether you’re a seasoned SEO professional or just starting, this post will equip you with the knowledge and tools to refine your SEO tactics, boost your site’s visibility, and drive meaningful traffic that converts.

1. What Is Keyword Cannibalization?

Keyword Cannibalization is more than just a fancy SEO term; it’s a real challenge that digital marketers and content creators face. When you cannibalize your keywords, you essentially pit your own pages against each other in search engine results pages (SERPs). This scenario arises when multiple pages on your site target the same or very similar keywords, confusing search engines about which page to prioritize.

Understanding the mechanics and implications of Keyword Cannibalization is crucial. When search engines are presented with multiple pages from the same domain, featuring similar content and targeting similar keywords, they need help determining which page is the most relevant. This confusion can lead to fluctuations in your rankings, with different pages alternatively appearing and disappearing from the desired search results.

Additionally, Keyword Cannibalization can dilute your link equity. Instead of external and internal links strengthening a single, authoritative page, they are spread thin across multiple pages, diminishing the potential ranking power of each.

2. How to Find Cannibalized Keywords?

Detecting Keyword Cannibalization is the first step in addressing the issue. This process involves a thorough analysis of your website’s content and keyword strategy. Tools like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and various SEO tools can be instrumental in this endeavor.

2.1. SEMrush Position Tracking > Cannibalization:

Our favorite SEO analysis tool is SEMrush, and it’s easy to detect cannibalization issues on your projects. Click on your Projects after logging into your account, then select “Position Tracking.”

Go to the “Cannibalization” tab to see the cannibalized keywords. If you need to detect which pages are competing for the exact same keyword, just click on any “Affected Keyword” on the list and check their current position in the Google SERP.

2.2 Google Search Console

If you don’t have an SEMrush account, don’t worry; you can use Google Search Console to detect cannibalization issues.

Click on “Performance” and add the “New Query” button at the top of the page to add your target keyword. Then, you’ll be able to see which pages get rankings for this keyword. Please be sure to examine click, impression, and ranking performances before planning to solve the keyword cannibalization issue.


Another effective method is to conduct a site search on Google using the “site:yourwebsite.com keyword” format. This will show you how many of your pages are indexed for a specific keyword, giving you a clear indication of potential cannibalization. (Also, if you need other search operators, see “How to Use Google Advanced Search Operators?” You can review the guide.

3. How to Fix Keyword Cannibalization?

Once you’ve identified cannibalized keywords, the next step is to rectify the situation. This can be achieved through several strategies:

  • Re-optimization: Alter the content and SEO strategy of the cannibalizing pages to target different yet related keywords. This helps in distinguishing the pages in the eyes of search engines.
  • 301 Redirects: If one page is more valuable than the others, you can use 301 redirects to guide users and search engine crawlers from the less important pages to the most relevant one.
  • Canonicalization: Canonicalization is using a canonical tag to point Google to the primary version of a duplicate page. This method consolidates your ranking power and tells Google which page is preferred. However, you should analyze these overlapping URLs in detail to choose the preferred page. You may consider observing traffic, # of backlinks, page authority, up to date keyword rankings data before taking any action.
  • Improving Internal Linking & Content: Adjust your internal linking strategy to reinforce the most relevant page for a particular keyword. This signals to search engines which page should be prioritized.

4. How to Prevent Keyword Cannibalization?

Prevention is always better than cure, especially in SEO. To avoid keyword cannibalization:

  • Strategic Keyword Mapping: Before creating content, map your keywords to specific pages. This ensures that each page targets a unique set of keywords.
  • Regular Audits: Conduct regular content and SEO audits to identify and resolve potential cannibalization issues before they impact your rankings.
  • Understanding User Intent: Align your content with the user intent behind each keyword. This helps you create distinct, purpose-driven content for different audience segments.
  • Monitoring Performance: Keep a close eye on your SEO performance and SERP rankings. This can help you spot cannibalization issues early on.

Keyword cannibalization is a complex issue, but it can be effectively managed and even prevented with the right approach. By understanding, detecting, fixing, and preventing Keyword Cannibalization, you can optimize your website’s SEO performance, ensuring that each page works harmoniously towards the overall goal of increased visibility and traffic.

In conclusion, remember that SEO is an ongoing process. It requires continuous monitoring, analysis, and adjustment. By staying vigilant about keyword cannibalization and implementing the strategies outlined above, you can maintain a robust and effective SEO strategy that drives targeted traffic to your website, enhances user experience, and ultimately contributes to your site’s success.

SEO isn’t just about getting to the top of the search results; it’s about staying there and ensuring your content remains relevant and accessible to your target audience. By understanding the intricacies of Keyword Cannibalization and proactively managing your SEO strategy, you position yourself for long-term success in the digital marketplace.